黄应丽 知人者智 自知者明

What Is Life

What Is Life

Life is a gift—accept it.  
Life is a struggle—face it.  
Life is a song—sing it.  
Life is an adventure—dare it.  
Life is beauty—praise it.  
Life is a mystery—unfold it.  
Life is a game—play it.  

Life is a puzzle—solve it.  
Life is an opportunity—take it.  
Life is a goal—achieve it.  
Life is a mission—fulfill it.  
Life is it—live it.  


2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0

football, soccer, Association football   足球

football, soccer, Association football   足球        
field, pitch   足球场          
midfield   中场          
kick-off circle  中圈  

CLIFF: 把球踢开的圈. Kick-off 在日常用语中经常被用指事情的开始, the start/beginning, e.g.           
Are you ready to kick off?          
Who will kick off with the first question for our speaker?          
An increase in oil prices would kick off a new round of inflation.          

half-way line   中线          
football, eleven   足球队          
football player   足球运动员          
goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie   守门员          
back   后卫          
left   左后卫          
right back   右后卫          
centre half back   中卫          
half back   前卫
left half back   左前卫          
right half back   右前卫          
forward   前锋          
centre forward, centre   中锋          
inside left forward, inside left   左内锋          
inside right forward, inside right   右内锋          
outside left forward, outside left   左边锋          
outside right forward, outside right   右边锋          
kick-off   开球          
bicycle kick, overhead kick   倒钩球          
chest-high ball   平胸球          
corner ball, corner   角球          
goal kick   球门球          
ground ball, grounder   地面球          
hand ball   手触球          
header   头球          
penalty kick   点球          
spot kick   罚点球          
free kick   罚任意球          
throw-in   掷界外球          
ball handling   控制球          
block tackle   正面抢截          
body check   身体阻挡          
bullt   球门前混战          
fair charge   合理冲撞          
chesting   胸部挡球          
close-marking defence   钉人防守          
close pass, short pass   短传          
consecutive passes   连续传球          
deceptive movement   假动作          
diving header   鱼跃顶球          
flying headar   跳起顶球          
dribbling   盘球          
finger-tip save   (守门员)托救球          
clean catching   (守门员)跳球抓好          
flank pass   边线传球          
high lobbing pass   高吊传球          
scissor pass   交叉传球          
volley pass   凌空传球          
triangular pass   三角传球          
rolling pass, ground pass   滚地传球          
slide tackle   铲球          
clearance kick   解除危险的球          
to shoot   射门          
grazing shot   贴地射门          
close-range shot   近射          
long drive   远射          
mis-hit   未射中          
offside   越位          
to pass the ball   传球          
to take a pass   接球          
spot pass   球传到位          
to trap   脚底停球          
to intercept   截球          
to break through, to beat   带球过人          
to break loose   摆脱          
to control the midfield   控制中场          
to disorganize the defence   破坏防守          
to fall back   退回          
to set a wall   筑人墙          
to set the pace   掌握进攻节奏          
to ward off an assault   击退一次攻势          
to break up an attack   破坏一次攻势          
ball playing skill   控球技术          
total football   全攻全守足球战术          
open football   拉开的足球战术          
off-side trap   越位战术          
wing play   边锋战术          
shoot-on-sight tactics   积极的抢射战术          
time wasting tactics   拖延战术          
Brazilian formation   巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式          
four backs system   四后卫制          
four-three-three formation   4-3-3 阵式       
2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0



最常用的一句俚语就是“cool”,意思是某事物非常的棒。如果你看了部好电影,你可以告诉朋友电影很“cool”还有如果你想赞美一个朋友,你可以说她是个 “cool person” 。但是,如果有人问你“How are you?” 而你回答说“I’m cool” 意思不是“I’m good”。意思是你目前感到很满足,平静,或是放松的。当你想到这个单词时,想想在一个炎热的夏天拿到冰块的美好感觉。

“Chill”可以作为cool的同义词,但是你还可以将其用作一个动词“Chilling”。我们念出声的时候, “g”的音通常被省略,因此听起来会象 “chillin”。这个单词意思是什么事都不做但却很享受的情况,就象“I spent Friday night chilling with my friends.” 很象“cool”,这个单词包含着满足及放松的意思。

常用英语俚语“feel me” 或是“feel you,” 意思是深刻理解或明白。在你告诉别人你对某事物非常热衷时,你可以问“Do you feel me?” 这就象是在问“Do you understand what I’m telling you?”只是意思更私人化。礼貌的回答应是 “Yeah, I feel you.”  

如果你的一个朋友过来对你说刚发生在他们身上的不好的事情,你可以说“That’s messed up.”来安慰他们。这句话意思是某事看起来非常的不公平或不合理。接着,在向朋友表示同情之后,你可以问, “How are you holding up?”意思是你想要知道他们是如何处理这个 “messed up”情况的。  

最后,当你向朋友问候或告别时,你可以选择几种不同的方式。例如,西班牙语-“Hola” 用来问好而“Adios”用来告别-在美国非常的流行。你还可以在遇见朋友时不正式的说“Yo”,然后问“What’s up?”来问他们在做什么。并且当道别时,你可以说“I’ll catch you later”意思是你希望很快能见到他们。
2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0


Wal-Mart shoppers, meet Xu Yaqing. She's a 62-year-old retiree who lives on a fixed income in Beijing. Xu and her husband get by on $263 a month, and lately, the couple's monthly pensions haven't been enough. The price of the peanut oil that Xu cooks with has doubled in the past few months, and soaring costs for other staples have forced them to cut back on milk and to substitute bean curd for meat. They're not starving. But they're scared. "Prices are going up so much and so quickly," Xu complains.
Xu's lamentations, and those of her fellow Chinese, may soon be reverberating around the world, and particularly loudly at big-box retailers like Wal-Mart in the West. That's because all those inexpensive exports gushing out of Chinese factories — the $15 sweaters, the $25 sneakers, the sub-$100 DVD players — may start getting pricier as the mainland struggles to bring its runaway economy under control. Not all economists agree it's inevitable, but some are warning that an era during which low-cost Chinese production helped to maintain unusually stable prices for manufactured goods around the world is coming to an end. This view isn't held just by a few lonely bears in the wilderness. In his new book and in recent newspaper interviews, former U.S. central-bank chairman Alan Greenspan has been emphasizing that prices for Chinese exports have started to rise, which will contribute to a revival of global inflation. Ben Simpfendorfer, China strategist for the Royal Bank of Scotland, puts it succinctly: "Where China was a deflationary influence over the last 10 years, it will be an inflationary influence over the next 10 years."

Although it may not be evident at the local Wal-Mart yet, these forces may already be in play. Demand from China, along with other fast-growing emerging economies, has driven up the price of oil and a wide range of other commodities for the past several years. But what's really worrying many economists is the sudden appearance of relatively high inflation within China and the ripples that might cause abroad. Despite five interest-rate increases this year by China's central bank, the country's consumer price index has been stubbornly on the rise. In August, inflation climbed to a 6.5% annual rate, the fastest clip in more than 10 years.

The government and some economists blamed the jump almost entirely on sharply higher prices for meat and poultry, which surged 49% since mid-2006. Beijing maintains that the rise in food costs, which make up more than one-third of China's consumer price index, was largely the result of more expensive livestock feed and a one-off event: an outbreak of a porcine disease that killed 70,000 pigs and prompted the mid-September release of 30,000 tons of pork (about a quarter of the amount of pork China consumes in a day) from a national reserve to help stabilize prices.

But other costs are rising as well — property prices are going up countrywide at an annual rate of about 10%, according to UBS economist Jonathan Anderson — and Beijing's actions speak louder than its soothing words. After the August inflation figures were released, the government took the unusual step of freezing all state-controlled prices, including those for gasoline, water and electricity. Aware of the potential that high rates of inflation have for fomenting social unrest, officials also warned businesses against gouging consumers; in August, authorities accused instant-noodle makers of illegally conspiring to raise prices. Meanwhile, to allay public anxiety about eroding paychecks, Beijing has been encouraging local governments to raise minimum wages, which cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Nanjing have done.

Moves like the latter one could wind up stoking the fires of global inflation. After all, it was China's cheap laborers who turned the country into the world's factory. By one estimate, China's manufacturing unit labor cost was just 4% of that of the U.S. in 2005. Now, as the mainland economy powers ahead — GDP growth jumped by 11.9% in the second quarter — real wages of urban workers have been soaring at double-digit rates, rising 18% in the first half of this year alone, according to the government. Add in higher raw-materials prices, and manufacturers are facing increases in production costs they may no longer be able to absorb. The costs will be passed along to consumers worldwide, a situation that will be made worse by a strengthening Chinese currency. "Internationally, the price of imports from China will come up," says Chen Xingdong, chief China economist for BNP Paribas Securities. "The increase will be inevitable." There's evidence it's already happening. In May, the price of Chinese products imported by the U.S. registered a 0.1% year-on-year increase, the first such gain since the U.S. Department of Labor began tracking Chinese import prices in 2005. Prices have climbed by at least 0.3% each month since then.

If the pattern continues, things could get complicated for central bankers around the world, and for U.S. central-bank chairman Ben Bernanke in particular. Beset by a slowing economy amid the subprime loan meltdown, Bernanke is trying to ease interest rates without triggering higher inflation. Additional inflationary pressure from one of America's largest trading partners will undermine his ability to reduce rates further to prevent the U.S. economy from stalling. He's not likely to get much help
2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0

Communist Party Congress Opens in China

BEIJING, Oct. 15 — Delivering the opening address at the ruling Communist Party’s 17th National Congress today, President Hu Jintao promised to address social fissures, a degraded environment and rampant corruption during his second term as China’s top leader, but he all but ruled out more than cosmetic political reform.
Mr. Hu spoke extensively about his “scientific view of development,” a set of lofty, vague principles supporting harmonious economic, social and political development.
The congress will enshrine the phrase “scientific view of development” into the party’s constitution alongside the political slogans of Mao, Deng Xiaoping, and Jiang Zemin, elevating Mr. Hu into the pantheon of leaders as he begins the second and final term as party general secretary, head of state and military chief.
This speech kicked off the week-long event held once every five years to extol past leaders and welcome a roster of younger officials newly elevated to leadership roles.
Party members have described the succession contest, conducted in secret, as fractious. But the congress proceedings, which are purely ceremonial, present a facade of seamless unity and continuity.
In the main auditorium of the Great Hall of the People, under a giant hammer and sickle, Mr. Hu appeared on a rostrum with all the other members of the Politburo Standing Committee and the Central Committee arranged in precise hierarchical order. They were joined by party elders including Mr. Jiang, Mr. Hu’s direct predecessor, and at least two stalwarts of an earlier era, Wan Li and Song Ping, both more than 90 years old.
In keeping with tradition, Mr. Hu’s address, which lasted two and half hours, stressed the correctness of the rhetoric and guiding philosophies of the past. Though the text of the address ran to 64 pages, Mr. Hu discussed few specific government programs and provided only broad hints about what he intends to do between now and 2012, when under party retirement rules he will make way for a new top leader.
“China is going through a wide-ranging and deep-going transformation,” Mr. Hu told the 2,200 party delegates and a national television audience. “This brings us unprecedented opportunities as well as unprecedented challenges. On the whole, the opportunities outweigh the challenges.”
Mr. Hu tweaked one well established goal, which was to quadruple the economic output of the year 2000 by 2020, saying that the party would now aim to increase “per capital GDP” four-fold in the same period.
The switch to a per capita target reflects Mr. Hu’s emphasis on enhancing the benefits that the Chinese people derive from economic growth. But given that China’s population will likely increase by about two hundred million during the 20-year period, the new goal suggests that Mr. Hu now expects the economy, which has sustained double-digit growth for more than five years, to expand at an even faster pace than he and his predecessors forecast at the last party congress in 2002.
He called the international situation favorable to China, saying a “trend toward a multipolar world is irreversible.” He offered to hold peace talks with Taiwan, the self-governing island China claims as its territory, as long as the island’s leadership sets aside independence goals. The offer broke no new ground, but his tone was slightly softer than in the past.
In defining his program of “scientific development,” Mr. Hu discussed the growing gap between rich and poor. He said the economy still relies too much on investment and not enough on consumption to drive growth. The leadership should do more to protect the environment, he said.
“We must adopt an enlightened approach to development that results in expanded production, a better life and sound ecological and environmental conditions,” he said. “We need to correctly handle the major relationships between urban and rural development, economic and social development, and man and nature.”
Mr. Hu repeatedly used the word democracy and said the party should become more responsive to the public. He also called for “intra-party democracy,” or allowing more party officials to participate in decision making.
He said corruption poses a threat to the party’s survival, a particularly resonant issue after the leadership purged former Shanghai Party boss Chen Liangyu in one of the highest-level corruption scandals in its history.
But Mr. Hu endorsed only incremental political change. He insisted on maintaining the party’s monopoly on power, saying that it must remain “the core” that “directs the overall situation and coordinates the efforts of all quarters.”
The proceedings got underway even as speculation mounted that the party elite was still negotiating membership in the new Politburo Standing Committee, the top governing body.
The leadership submitted a list of people slated for top posts to the party’s Central Committee last week, party officials who were told about the closed-door proceedings said.
The list called for a nine-man Standing Committee headed by Mr. Hu, with three current members retiring. Two younger leaders, Xi Jinping, 54, party boss of Shanghai, and Li Keqiang, 52, party secretary of Liaoning Province, are expected to join the Standing Committee and inherit the top jobs when Mr. Hu steps down, these people said.
But one of the current members expected to retire to make way for the younger officials, Vice President Zeng Qinghong, was over the weekend named secretary general of the congress’s secretariat, a position that historically signals inclusion in the Standing Committee for the coming term.
That suggests that Mr. Hu was either awarding an unusual
2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0


















据史料记载,重阳糕又称花糕、菊糕、五色糕,制无定法,较为随意。 九月九日天明时,以片糕搭儿女头额,口中念念有词,祝愿子女百事俱高,乃古人九月作糕的本意。讲究的重阳糕要作成九层,像座宝塔,上面还作成两只小羊,以符合重阳(羊)之义。有的还在重阳糕上插一小红纸旗,并点蜡烛灯。这大概是用“点灯”、“吃糕”代替“登高”的意思,用小红纸旗代替茱萸。当今的重阳糕,仍无固定品种,各地在重阳节吃的松软糕类都称之为重阳糕。  










2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0


1、A-list (very best) 最好的,最优秀的,最酷的      Every girl dreams of dating A-list guys.      每个女孩子都渴望跟最好的男人约会。
     I was totally psyched when I met this guy who definitely was on the A-list.      这个男人简直太酷了。当我遇见他时,竟完全不能自已。
2、All hands (groping) 动手动脚的,毛手毛脚的
      When my boyfriend is with me, he wouldn't listen to me and was all hands.       当我男朋友跟我在一起时,他不听我说话,只是动手动脚的。
      I hate guys who are no talk and all hands.        我最讨厌男人不善言辞而且毛手毛脚的。
3、babe 宝贝,梦中情人
      Who is your idea of a total babe?       谁是你心中完全理想的梦中情人?
4、bad hair day (hair looks bad)头发不整,暗示一整天心情也不好
      I'm having a bad hair day.      我今天的头发就是梳不好。
     It's not the end of the world if you have a bad hair day.       头发不整无伤大雅(没有到世界末日那么严重)。
5、bag (skip) 逃课
      It's not your fault that she bagged class.
6、bash (party) 舞会、大型派对
     At a bash at my friend's house, I spilled punch all over my white jeans.      在我朋友家的舞会上,我把饮料洒在白牛仔裤上了,洒得到处都是。
     I just found out that your buds will throw you a mega birthday bash.
7、be into (get involved deeply) 深深投入
      If he's into you, he's got the green light.      如果他喜欢你,他得的是绿灯。(表示没有人反对)
     Now I'm really into blading.      现在我对滑轮很感兴趣。
8、beau (boyfriend) 美男子
      Every Saturday, she heads over with her beau to catch a movie.       每个星期六她和她的男朋友都要去看一场电影。
      My beau always buys me flowers. Sweet!       我的男朋友总是给我买花,真甜蜜。
9、BF (best friend)的简写,最好的朋友
      Are you there for your BF when the going gets rough?       当你最好的朋友生活不顺的时候,你在他身边吗?      I couldn't believe my eyes that my BF just heads out to a movie with my boyfriend.       我简直不敢相信我的眼睛,我最好的朋友刚刚跟我的男朋友去看了一场电影。
10、biggie (big deal, important)重要的事或人物,大亨,大款
       Trust is a biggie.         信赖是很重要的。
       He is now a biggie. His picture is on the front page all the time.         他现在是个大款,他的照片常常在(报纸、杂志的)封面上出现。
2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0




腮腺炎是由腮腺炎病毒侵犯腮腺引起的急性呼吸传染病,病人是传染源,飞沫的吸入是主要传播途径,接触病人后2-3周发病。腮腺炎主要表现为一侧或两侧耳垂下肿大,肿大的腮腺常呈半球形,以耳垂为中心边缘不清,表面发热有角痛,张口或咀嚼时局部感到疼痛。腮腺肿胀在发病1- 3天最明显,以后逐渐消退,约2周肿胀完全退尽。在发病初期的3-5天,可有发热、乏力、不愿吃东西等全身症状。








5.其他--心?br>*妆硐治 那扒 弁础⑿亩 杭捌7Γ 鲅壮T谌 傺缀?0--14天出现症状。此外尚可发生乳腺炎、甲状腺炎、关节炎、泪腺炎、角膜炎等,一般在20天内恢复。
2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0









2008-03-20 | 发布:黄应丽 | 分类:百度空间 | 评论:0